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Joint press release Lago Group – Bouvard international

Lago Group, a leading company in the confectionery business with 2 factories and a consolidated turnover over 52 million Euro, has signed a partnership agreement with Biscuit Bouvard Group, Europe’s leading company in the production of biscuits and bakery products with a consolidated turnover over 350 million Euro, 14 plants between Europe and the USA and a strong presence in Italy through the subsidiaries Bouvard Italia and Forneria Gusparo.

The agreement provides for the entry of Bouvard Group into the capital of Lago Group held by the Lago family which will continue to manage the company assisted by the new CEO Pierre Josselin.

Thanks to this partnership, Lago Group will consolidate its own brand leadership by expanding its product portfolio thanks to the large product range of Bouvard Group.

Bouvard Group, thanks to its commercial strength and its know-how in Private Label and Co-Manufacturing, will be able to offer products manufactured in the factories of Lago Group.

Lago Group has been assisted for the legal and tax aspects by Fieldfisher, while Biscuit Bouvard Group has been assisted by the advisor M&A Brera Financial Advisory, by New Deal Advisors for the due diligence finance and by the LCA for the legal and fiscal part.

Italian Food Awards 2019

We are happy to share with you the great satisfaction during ANUGA 🇩🇪.
Our “Sugar Free” wafers have been awarded in the bakery category by the Italian Food Awards 2019.
It’s time to celebrate!

New Party Duo

Wafer bites with double-layer cream filling.
In each bite two different combinations of cream are available: chocolate and milk or strawberry and vanilla.
Party Duo, a new and unique product with two different filling creams.

New award: Superior Taste Award

It’s time to celebrate!

Taste goes to the stars, our sugar-free mini-party wafer has received the Superior Taste Award 2019!.

The Superior Taste Award is an international acknowledgement given by some Michelin-starred Chefs. After tasting the whole range of products which are taking part in the competition, the chefs decide which products deserve to be rewarded by category.

Both Lago Sugar Free wafers were given the awards.

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Sugar free wafer line

The first Italian Sugar Free wafer cookie, (meaning that the sugar content is less than 0.5gr per 100gr).

With the consumption of our Sugar Free wafers, there are both a reduced glycemic response and a decrease of blood glucose due to the fact that sugar is replaced by maltitol.

There is a great potential among those consumers who are in need of, or simply wish to lower their daily intake of sugar.

An excellent taste experience is granted even though there is no sugar in our cookie recipe.

Superior Taste Award

The Superior Taste Award is a unique international recognition that is focused on the blind judgment of Chefs trained for many years to taste food products.
The Juries of the International Taste & Quality Institute are selected from the exclusive partnership with prestigious culinary organisations.

Visit the site ›

Expo Milano 2015

Expo Milano 2015 è l’Esposizione Universale che l’Italia ospiterà dal primo maggio al 31 ottobre 2015 e sarà il più grande evento mai realizzato sull’alimentazione e la nutrizione. Per sei mesi Milano diventerà una vetrina mondiale in cui i Paesi mostreranno il meglio delle proprie tecnologie per dare una risposta concreta a un’esigenza vitale: riuscire a garantire cibo sano, sicuro e sufficiente per tutti i popoli, nel rispetto del Pianeta e dei suoi equilibri. Un’area espositiva di 1,1 milioni di metri quadri, più di 140 Paesi e Organizzazioni internazionali coinvolti, oltre 20 milioni di visitatori attesi. Sono questi i numeri dell’evento internazionale più importante che si terrà nel nostro Paese.
Expo Milano 2015 sarà la piattaforma di un confronto di idee e soluzioni condivise sul tema dell’alimentazione, stimolerà la creatività dei Paesi e promuoverà le innovazioni per un futuro sostenibile. Ma non solo. Expo Milano 2015 offrirà a tutti la possibilità di conoscere e assaggiare i migliori piatti del mondo e scoprire le eccellenze della tradizione agroalimentare e gastronomica di ogni Paese. Per la durata della manifestazione, la città di Milano e il Sito Espositivo saranno animati da eventi artistici e musicali, convegni, spettacoli, laboratori creativi e mostre.

Elledi SpA sarà presente a Expo Milano 2015 nel padiglione di Federalimentare che , avvalendosi dello staff di Fiere di Parma come braccio operativo, sarà il canale di divulgazione e valorizzazione dell’immagine dell’industria alimentare italiana attraverso un viaggio interattivo tra Aziende, Marchi ed Imprenditori dell’eccellenza del food italiano. Il padiglione di Federalimentare sarà inoltre, per i 6 mesi di durata dell’Expo, fulcro di eventi e relazioni istituzionali.